Wednesday, January 28, 2009

Baby Dylan - 94 wks (22 mths) old today

Dylan is such a big boy these days. I often think about the little baby that we brought home from the hospital and can't comprehend that DYLAN is that baby. Although he has grew and developed into a adorable toddler; he still cries very loudly like the baby he once was!....See photo for!

On another note, he is talking in sentences and repeating word for word anything you tell him.

Funny story this week, he was very intrigued by the sunlight beaming through the window. The dust particles were visible in the sunlight and he was completely fascinated by it when he spoke up and told me, " Mommy I catch the snow...It's snowing..look!!!" So funny...yes the dust did resemble snow and with us being in Texas; I am sure that is the only type of snow he will be!!!

Thursday, January 22, 2009

Once Again; for the 2nd time, Can you find the baby? .....

ppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppI I love's like our own little version of, "Where's Waldo?". The 1st time we started this game was when Dylan was not even a year old. The photo was taken in the family room (shown above) and here we are today, playing the same game a year later. This time Dylan was asleep in his room. So, can you find the Baby? LOL

Wednesday, January 21, 2009

Baby Dylan - 93 wks (21 mths) old today

Earlier this week our mail arrived and Dylan and I did our usual stroll down to the mail box to pick it up. After we made it back home, the phone rang so I sat the mail on the Bombay chest in out entry way. Well, Dylan decided he would go through it while I was engaged in conversation. When I got off the phone I discovered all the mail scattered on the floor. I was a little frustrated trying to gather it all in a pile, when I saw a glimpse through the corner of my eye. It was Dylan walking around the house carrying a Victoria's Secret catalog!He was saying, "belly...belly..see belly!" I just had to grab and camera and take a photo of him. I just know this makes Matt so proud...LOL!!!

Friday, January 16, 2009

The San Antonio Stroll! LOL

A week or 2 ago, Matt and I decided we would drive to San Antonio for the day. We had a wonderful time. Every time a boat passed Dylan would scream..."Boat..hey boat" and then wave! Anyways Matt's favorite thing to do is take photos. The Riverwalk is such a nice setting for photographs. Here are a few moments he captured. Please keep in mind that these photos are not the high resolution photos; they have been compressed for your viewing pleasure and maybe a little blurry unlike the originals.

For more information about the Riverwalk, you can visit : !

Wednesday, January 14, 2009

Baby Dylan - 92 wks (21 mths) old today

Lately it has been pretty chilly when we go outside and to avoid any flu related sicknesses we have be "bundling up" Dylan. He loves it too! Thanks Brady for the coat; Dylan is really putting it to good use. It's pretty funny to see him in the car seat with it on, He looks just like the Incredible Hulk!!!..LOL

Wednesday, January 07, 2009

Baby Dylan - 91 wks (21 mths) old today

Dylan has been keeping us very busy around here. He isn't very happy with me today as I take down our holiday decorations. He wants everything to stay just like it is. Love ya kid, but it's not happening, lol.

The photo for this week was actually taken on Christmas Day. Dylan will run you over!!! Warning: stay off the streets and sidewalks when he is driving his motorcycle!

Our new window treatments for our family room, is scheduled to be installed this week. Yippee! We have been waiting since October. I will be sure to post before and after photos!!!

Thursday, January 01, 2009

Happy New Year 2009!!!

Another year has gone by and here we are another year! OK, so that's kinda lame. The sad thing is we will never live to see the new year number glasses again. This is the last year containing "00" so, my advice, wear them everyday until "2010" arrives!!!

Oh Yea, we have already achieved our resolution.

2009 New Years Resolution

1.) No more resolutions