Wednesday, November 28, 2007

Baby Dylan - 35 wks (8 mths) old today

Wow, Dylan is now 8 months old as of today. Doesn't feel like it. He is all over the place crawling and trying to carry on conversations with you , although you can't make out one single word. He's now entering the land of bumps and falls. These are an inevitable part of childhood, and although our hearts may occasionally skip a beat or two, we try to enjoy watching Dylan explore his surroundings and discover his limits.

Thursday, November 22, 2007

Happy Thanksgiving

T...Turkeys, tablespreads, being together,
H...Happiness and homes to protect us from all weather,
A...Aunts and uncles, a reunion in Fall,
N...Nieces and nephews, family members all!
K...Kind-hearted kin coming over for dinner,
S...Surely you'll have fun, but you won't get thinner!
G...Gourds and pumpkins, mouths open wide.
I...Indians and Pilgrims we remember with pride.
V...Very special times-there could even be snow.
I...Imagine what it was like at Plymouth long ago.
N...Never forget how the settlers led the way,
G...Giving thanks and blessing this special day.

Wednesday, November 21, 2007

Baby Dylan - 34 wks (7 mths) old today

This week Dylan and I are in Mobile, Alabama while Matt is working in Lafayette, Louisiana. He will driving in today. This week we have mostly been visiting family and friends. We celebrated Lucie's 1st birthday (Lucie is Dylan's first cousin) and also took our first trip to the zoo in New Orleans, Louisiana. I will be sure to post pictures of both events sometime over the next week. As far Dylan, he is crawling all over the place. Talking up a storm, although we can understand much, lol.

Wednesday, November 14, 2007

Baby Dylan - 33 wks (7 mths) old today

Every week its something new. This week, Dylan has really showed major interest in crawling. Although, he has been pretty mobile for the past few weeks like bottom shuffling (scooting around on his bottom, using a hand behind and a foot in front to propel himself), slithering on his stomach, & rolling across the room. We have witnessed all of these actions but, now he has learned to move confidently from a sitting position to being on all fours, and he can also rock back and forth when his limbs are straight and his body is parallel to the floor. He is trying to master the art of moving his hands and knees together . Sometimes he will not go very far, other times he will boogie half way across the room. Matt bought him a bouncy ball to play with and it has really turned him on to the crawling action by chasing after his ball. When he achieves his goal of reaching the ball, he then, rolls on his back on tries to eat it, lol. It's so funny.

Tuesday, November 13, 2007

Thursday, November 08, 2007

Dylan's Pajamas!

Here is a few more photos taken from the other week. After taking numerous photos, we were getting ready to leave the studio and changed Dylan into his pjs to go home, when all the sudden he started cheesing it up for the photographer. So, having photos taken in his pajamas wasn't part of the plan, but, ended up being a pretty dog-gone cute idea!

Wednesday, November 07, 2007

Baby Dylan - 32 wks (7 mths) old today

Finally, Dylan has 2 teeth. After several fussy nights and a runny nose, 2 pearly white teeth have made their long awaited appearance.
He seems to enjoy chomping down on the spoon whenever I stick it in his mouth to feed him. So, another week, another wonderful milestone!
The picture to the left is part of Dylan's portraits we had made a week or so ago. As promised - I will post all the photos from that session very soon.

Monday, November 05, 2007

A very special quilt!

This past weekend Matt took this photo of Dylan with his Noah and the Ark quilt that was handmade by his great-grandmother. He loves the bright colors and pointing to the animals. Thanks for a very special gift Great Mamon!

Dylan's First Halloween!

OK, I am a little late on this, but better late than never! Here is Dylan in his Halloween costume. He did so well in his Humpty Dumpty attire. We attended a few parties and threw a Halloween Party as well, so I have lots of pictures to sort through. I will be sure to post them.

Friday, November 02, 2007

Discovery Toys!

"Have you ever seen a child push a truck through a pretend town, creating conversations and sound effects all along the way? That's what Discovery Toys is all about... kid powered play! And, each of those moments of joyous play is a reason to celebrate! "

I am now an Educational Consultant with Discovery Toys. I am so excited about demonstrating and providing parents with fun-filled toys, games, & books for children. The best part is whenever you book a party through me, you can shop our catalog for free. So the more people who come and purchase, the more free products for your children! So if you are interested in Discovery Toys , a name you can trust, please email me, so we can schedule your Discovery Toys Party today! My calendar is starting to get full with only a few party dates still open for this month. It's the perfect time of year to get a head start on Christmas gifts, without the hassle of standing in those long dreading lines. By the way, each of our products has been kid tested and expert approved. I can be reached at ! Hope to hear from you soon.

For more information you can go to .

Thursday, November 01, 2007

Halloween 2007

I hope everyone had a safe and Happy Halloween. We put some decorations out, bought some candy to hand out, and invited neighbors over to enjoy a fun evening of trick or treating. We figure over 30 neighbors visited our house, not including the trick or treaters. Anyways, Sheree' will be posting some additional pictures soon i think.